Common guyanese sayings

1. "Wha sweet nanny goat ah run him belly." - Translated as "What is pleasing to the eye may not be good for the stomach." This saying is used to caution against being lured by appearances.

2. "Monkey know which tree to climb." - Used to imply that people are aware of where they can find opportunities or advantages.

3. "Cockroach nah business in fowl fight." - Meaning that one should not get involved in a situation that does not concern them.

4. "De higher de monkey climb, de more he does expose." - Used to convey the idea that the more someone tries to show off or elevate themselves, the more their flaws or shortcomings become apparent.

5. "Every day bucket ah go ah well, one day de bottom ah go drop out." - This saying warns that consistently pushing one's luck will eventually lead to negative consequences.

6. "Don't hang yuh hat whe yuh can't reach it." - Encouraging people to set realistic goals and not reach for things beyond their grasp.

7. "Run wid de dog, yuh bound fuh ketch fleas." - Suggesting that associating with the wrong crowd can lead to negative consequences.

8. "Don't put all yuh eggs in one basket." - Advising against relying on a single plan or option for success.

9. "Cow nah know de use ah him tail till de butcher cut it off." - This saying emphasizes the importance of appreciating something only after it is lost.

10. "One, one dutty build dam." - Meaning that small efforts or contributions can add up to achieve a larger goal.

Above is Common guyanese sayings.

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