Common lithuanian sayings

1. "Kas per daug, tas ne sveikas." (Too much of anything is not healthy.)

2. "Kas sako, kad negali, tas neturi teisės trukdyti tiems, kurie gali." (Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.)

3. "Kas neša kryžių, tas neša ir laimę." (Those who carry a cross also carry happiness.)

4. "Kas daro, tas ir randa." (Those who do, also find.)

5. "Kas uždaro duris, tas atidaro langus." (Those who close doors, open windows.)

6. "Kas nesėja, tas nešes." (Those who do not sow, do not reap.)

7. "Kas gyvena, tas mato." (Those who live, see.)

8. "Kas nežino, tas težino." (Those who do not know, let them learn.)

9. "Kas neklauso, tas nesupranta." (Those who do not listen, do not understand.)

10. "Kas myli, tas rūpinasi." (Those who love, care.)

Above is Common lithuanian sayings.

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