Common malaysian sayings

1. "Tak kenal maka tak cinta" - "You won't love what you don't know."

2. "Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat" - "Let the child die, but not the customs."

3. "Seperti rusa masuk kampung" - "Like a deer entering a village" (referring to someone who is out of place).

4. "Bagai aur dengan tebing" - "Like bamboo and the riverbank" (referring to a close relationship).

5. "Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh juga" - "No matter how clever a squirrel jumps, it will eventually fall."

6. "Sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit" - "Little by little, eventually becomes a hill."

7. "Air dicincang tidak akan putus" - "Chopped water will not break" (meaning that relationships or bonds cannot easily be severed).

8. "Jauh di mata, dekat di hati" - "Far in distance, close in heart."

9. "Biar lambat asal selamat" - "Better late than never."

10. "Rezeki jangan ditolak" - "Don't reject blessings."

Above is Common malaysian sayings.

Sayings dp

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