Common newfie words sayings

1. "B'y" - A term of endearment or a way to address someone, similar to "buddy" or "friend".

2. "Scuff" - To walk or move quickly.

3. "Skeet" - A small amount or a little bit of something.

4. "Giv'er" - To give it your all or go for it.

5. "Stay where you're to 'til I comes where you're at" - A humorous way of saying "stay put until I get there".

6. "Squish" - To squeeze or press tightly.

7. "Mummer" - A person who dresses up in disguise during Christmas time.

8. "Squid-jiggin' ground" - A place where people go squid fishing.

9. "Scoff" - To eat heartily or with great enthusiasm.

10. "Tuckamore" - Dense, stunted trees or shrubs found in Newfoundland.

Above is Common newfie words sayings.

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