Common sayings in punjabi

1. "Jithe dekho, tithe hi vasda" - Wherever you look, there he is.

2. "Jatt di pasand" - A Jatt's preference.

3. "Chak de phatte" - Go for it, give it your all.

4. "Lakh di lanat tere te" - May a curse of a hundred thousand fall upon you.

5. "Jiven kheti, bhavein cheti" - Like farming, everything takes time.

6. "Koi na" - It's okay, no problem.

7. "Changa kar, changa hi hovega" - Do good, and good will come to you.

8. "Jind mahi je chale" - Life is great if you know how to live it.

9. "Dil vich vasna" - To be in someone's heart.

10. "Paggan wale munde" - Boys who wear turbans.

Above is Common sayings in punjabi.

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