Common viking sayings

1. "Skål!" - Cheers!

2. "By Odin's beard!" - An expression of surprise or disbelief.

3. "Valhalla awaits!" - Referring to the afterlife in Norse mythology.

4. "Til Valhall!" - Until Valhalla!

5. "May your axe stay sharp!" - A wish for success and strength.

6. "A true warrior never surrenders!" - Encouragement to keep fighting.

7. "Blood and thunder!" - An expression of excitement or intensity.

8. "Fear not the darkness!" - Encouragement to be brave and face challenges.

9. "The Norns have spoken!" - Acceptance of fate or destiny.

10. "Victory or Valhalla!" - A battle cry expressing determination to win or die trying.

Above is Common viking sayings.

French sayings about cats

1. Les chats ne sont pas nos animaux de compagnie, nous sommes les leurs. (Cats are not our pets, we are theirs.)2. Les chats sont des êtres mystérieux qui marchent parmi nous. (Cats are mysterious beings who walk among us.)3. Un chat a neuf vies, mais une seule âme. (A cat has nine lives, but

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