Conceit quotes sayings

1. "Conceit is the finest armor a man can wear." - Jerome K. Jerome

2. "Conceit is God's gift to little men." - Bruce Barton

3. "Conceit is the quicksand of success." - Dale Carnegie

4. "Conceit is the enemy of progress." - Unknown

5. "Conceit is a barrier to growth and self-improvement." - Unknown

6. "Conceit is the ultimate form of self-deception." - John C. Maxwell

7. "Conceit is a fault that is never forgiven." - Jean de La Fontaine

8. "Conceit is the most incurable disease that is known to man." - Unknown

9. "Conceit is a dangerous disease that infects the mind." - Unknown

10. "Conceit is the mask of insecurity." - Unknown

Above is Conceit quotes sayings.

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