Cool poker sayings

1. "Life is like a game of poker, you have to play the hand you're dealt."

2. "In poker, you don't play the cards, you play the player."

3. "Poker is a lot like sex, everyone thinks they're the best, but most people don't have a clue what they're doing."

4. "The only way to win at poker is to bet a little and lose a little."

5. "Poker is a skill game pretending to be a chance game."

6. "Trust everyone, but always cut the cards."

7. "Poker is a game of skill, luck, and psychology."

8. "You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can only skin it once."

9. "If you can't spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker."

10. "The cardinal sin in poker is to let your emotions cloud your judgment."

Above is Cool poker sayings.

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