Cool retirement sayings

1. "Retirement: It's not the end, it's a new beginning."

2. "Retirement is not the end of the road, it's the beginning of a new journey."

3. "Retirement is when you stop living at work and start working at living."

4. "Retirement: where every day is a Saturday."

5. "Retirement is the reward for a lifetime of hard work."

6. "Retirement is the perfect time to do what you want, when you want."

7. "Retirement is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor."

8. "Retirement: the only time in your life when you can have a Monday morning without the Monday morning blues."

9. "Retirement is the time to live your dreams, not just dream about them."

10. "Retirement is not the end of the road, it's a new chapter in the book of life."

Above is Cool retirement sayings.

Phasmophobia sayings

1. The spirits are restless tonight.2. I sense a presence in this room.3. Don't go in there alone, you'll never come back out.4. The ghost is angry, be careful.5. I feel a chill down my spine, the ghost is near.6. Listen closely, the ghost is trying to communicate.7. The lights are flic

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1. When in doubt, check it out.2. Don't panic, stay calm and assess the situation.3. Stop the bleed, secure the scene.4. ABCs - Airway, Breathing, Circulation.5. If it's wet and not yours, wear gloves.6. Treat the person, not the injury.7. Time is tissue, act quickly.8. Better to do s

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