Cool sagittarius sayings

1. "I shoot for the stars and aim for the impossible."

2. "Adventure is my middle name."

3. "I may be blunt, but at least I'm honest."

4. "I'm a wild spirit with a free soul."

5. "Don't fence me in, I was born to roam."

6. "I'm not afraid to take risks, I thrive on them."

7. "My arrow always points towards new horizons."

8. "I'm a firecracker with a heart of gold."

9. "I believe in the power of optimism and the magic of possibilities."

10. "I'm a dreamer with a warrior spirit."

Above is Cool sagittarius sayings.

Liberal sayings

1. Love is love.2. Equality for all.3. Diversity is our strength.4. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.5. Empathy is a superpower.6. Progress, not perfection.7. No human is illegal.8. The future is female.9. Kindness is always in style.10. Think globally, act loc

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Sayings with horse

1. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.2. Hold your horses.3. A horse of a different color.4. Get back on the horse.5. Straight from the horse's mouth.6. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.7. Beating a dead horse.8. Wild horses couldn't drag me away.9. Eat l

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1. O amor é a asa veloz que Deus deu à alma para que ela voe até o céu. - Michelangelo Buonarroti2. O amor é a força mais sutil do mundo. - Mahatma Gandhi3. O amor é a única flor que desabrocha sem a ajuda das estações. - Khalil Gibran4. O amor é a poesia dos sentidos. - Honoré de Balzac5.

Body piercing sayings

1. Adorn your body, express your individuality.2. Pierce through the ordinary, embrace the extraordinary.3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and sometimes on the body too.4. Through pain comes beauty, through beauty comes strength.5. Ink your skin, pierce your soul.6. Dare to be diff

The rock sayings in wwe

Here are some popular catchphrases and sayings associated with Dwayne The Rock Johnson during his time in WWE:1. If you smell what The Rock is cooking!2. Just bring it!3. Layeth the smacketh down!4. Know your role and shut your mouth!5. It doesn't matter what you think!6. Finally, The R