Cool small tattoo sayings

1. "Carpe Diem" (Seize the day)

2. "Stay strong"

3. "Be brave"

4. "Love yourself"

5. "Find your bliss"

6. "Live in the moment"

7. "Follow your heart"

8. "Let it be"

9. "Create your own sunshine"

10. "Stay true"

Above is Cool small tattoo sayings.

2 is better than 1 sayings

Two heads are better than one.

Sayings using the word string

1. Life is like a string, sometimes it gets tangled but with patience, it can be straightened out.2. A strong friendship is like a sturdy string, it can withstand any tension.3. Success is often achieved by pulling the right strings at the right time.4. Love ties us together like an unbreakab

Impossible events sayings

1. When pigs fly.2. When hell freezes over.3. When the sun rises in the west.4. When the moon turns blue.5. When cows start dancing.6. When fish climb trees.7. When a leopard changes its spots.8. When a snake grows legs.9. When a rock starts talking.10. When a cat starts barking.

More sayings like whatever floats your boat

1. To each their own.2. Different strokes for different folks.3. Whatever tickles your fancy.4. Whatever rocks your world.5. Whatever suits your fancy.6. Whatever makes you happy.7. Whatever blows your hair back.8. Whatever spins your wheels.9. Whatever lights your fire.10. Whatever rings your bell.

A gentleman movie sayings

1. I'll be back. - The Terminator2. I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. - The Godfather3. Here's looking at you, kid. - Casablanca4. May the Force be with you. - Star Wars5. You can't handle the truth! - A Few Good Men6. I feel the need... the need for speed. - Top Gun7. I love

Famous sayings in other languages

1. Veni, vidi, vici. - Latin (I came, I saw, I conquered) - Julius Caesar2. La vita è bella. - Italian (Life is beautiful)3. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? - German (Do you speak German?)4. Hakuna Matata. - Swahili (No worries)5. C'est la vie. - French (That's life)6. Carpe diem. - Latin (Seize t

Recruitment sayings

1. Hiring the right people is crucial to the success of any organization.2. Great things in business are never done by one person, they're done by a team of people.3. Your company's most valuable asset is its employees.4. Recruit for attitude, train for skill.5. Talent wins games, but teamw

Funny nighty night sayings

1. Sleep is my favorite thing to do after eating and before eating again.2. I'm so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes closed.3. I'm not a morning person or a night owl, I'm a permanently exhausted pigeon.4. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.5. I'm not sleeping, I'm just m

Funny 18th birthday cake sayings

1. Finally legal to do all the things you've been doing since you were 16!2. You're officially an adult... now act like it!3. Here's to 18 years of being awesome... and legal!4. Happy 18th! Time to adult... but not too much!5. Now you can legally do all the things you've been doing illegall

Famous hypocrisy sayings

1. Do as I say, not as I do.2. Hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue.3. The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite!4. Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.5. The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what