Cop sayings funny jokes

1. "I told a police officer I wasn't speeding, I was qualifying."

2. "Why did the police officer go to the baseball game? He heard someone had stolen second base."

3. "I asked a police officer if I could borrow his handcuffs for a magic show. He said, 'Sure, but don't try to pull anything.'"

4. "Why did the police officer go to the baseball game? He heard someone had stolen second base."

5. "I told a police officer I was lost and he said, 'Stand still, the whole world revolves around you.'"

6. "I asked a police officer if he knew the best way to catch a squirrel. He said, 'Act like a nut.'"

7. "I asked a police officer if he knew the best way to catch a fish. He said, 'Just drop it a line.'"

8. "I told a police officer I was going to a costume party as a turtle. He said, 'That's fine, just be sure to shell out for a good costume.'"

9. "I asked a police officer if he knew any good jokes. He said, 'I don't know, I'm not a stand-up copedian.'"

10. "I told a police officer I was going to a party and he said, 'Remember, don't drink and derive.'"

Above is Cop sayings funny jokes.

Cute graduation party invitation sayings

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