Cornish sayings come us on

Here are a few Cornish sayings:

1. "Dew genough dhe vos genough" - "Enough is as good as a feast."

2. "Gwell re dewhel y'n keth ha les y'n le" - "Better to return in time than be lost in the place."

3. "Kernow bys vyken!" - "Cornwall forever!"

4. "Nyns yw an gwella den y'n bys na'n den a wra an pyth a wra bos" - "The best person in the world is the person who does what they think is best."

5. "Gwell dhodho gul y'n keth ha les y'n le" - "Better for him to do it in time than be lost in the place."

I hope you enjoy these Cornish sayings!

Above is Cornish sayings come us on.

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