Coronavirus funny quarantine sayings

1. "Quarantine: the only time when it's socially acceptable to wear pajamas all day."

2. "I've been practicing social distancing for years, it's called avoiding people."

3. "Quarantine Day 10: I've started talking to inanimate objects. They're great listeners."

4. "I never thought the saying 'I'm bored out of my mind' would become so literal."

5. "My house has become a combination of a daycare, a school, and a prison. Send help."

6. "I'm not sure how many days it's been since I last wore real pants, but I'm not complaining."

7. "I never thought the most valuable thing in my house would be toilet paper."

8. "I've discovered a new talent during quarantine: eating snacks in bed."

9. "I've reached the point where I'm having full conversations with my pets. They're surprisingly good therapists."

10. "Quarantine Day 20: I've watched everything on Netflix. Twice."

Above is Coronavirus funny quarantine sayings.

Greek tattoo quotes sayings

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Lancashire sayings uching finger

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Bumblebee season sayings

1. When the bumblebees buzz, summer is near.2. Bumblebees bring the promise of sweet honey.3. As the bumblebees dance, nature comes alive.4. Bumblebees are the heralds of a fruitful season.5. With the arrival of bumblebees, the flowers bloom with joy.6. Listen to the hum of the bumblebees

Wrestlers famous sayings

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Cav scout sayings

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East is east funny sayings

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