Costa rican sayings about life

1. "Pura vida" - This is the most famous Costa Rican saying, which translates to "pure life" in English. It reflects the laid-back and positive attitude of Costa Ricans towards life.

2. "La vida es un carnaval" - This saying means "life is a carnival" and emphasizes the idea that life should be enjoyed and celebrated, just like a carnival.

3. "Al mal tiempo, buena cara" - This saying translates to "in bad times, put on a good face" and encourages people to stay positive and optimistic even in difficult situations.

4. "El que no arriesga, no gana" - This saying means "he who doesn't take risks, doesn't win" and highlights the importance of taking chances and stepping out of one's comfort zone in order to achieve success.

5. "Cada cabeza es un mundo" - This saying translates to "each head is a world" and emphasizes the uniqueness and individuality of each person's perspective and experiences in life.

Above is Costa rican sayings about life.

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