Cow sayings steers

Here are some cow-related sayings and idioms that involve the term "steers":

1. "Like a bull in a china shop" - This saying refers to someone who is clumsy or reckless, like a bull in a delicate environment.

2. "Straight as an arrow" - This saying implies that something is very straight or direct, like the horns of a steer.

3. "Bull-headed" - This term is used to describe someone who is stubborn or obstinate, like a bull or steer.

4. "Take the bull by the horns" - This saying means to confront a difficult situation head-on, just like grabbing a bull or steer by its horns.

5. "Bull in a pasture" - This saying refers to someone who is out of place or disruptive in a peaceful setting, like a bull among grazing steers.

Above is Cow sayings steers.

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