Cremation quotes and sayings

1. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, may your spirit rest in peace."

2. "From dust we came, to dust we return."

3. "In the end, we are all just ashes and memories."

4. "Death is not the end, but a new beginning."

5. "Gone but never forgotten, your memory lives on in our hearts."

6. "In the circle of life, we are all connected by the ashes of those who came before us."

7. "Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, may your spirit soar in eternity."

8. "Cremation is not the end, but a transformation into something new."

9. "In the flames of cremation, may your soul find peace and liberation."

10. "As the smoke rises, so does your spirit, free from earthly constraints."

Above is Cremation quotes and sayings.

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Common sayings with meanings

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