Cremation sayings funny

1. "I told my family to cremate me when I die, but make sure to sprinkle my ashes in the neighbor's yard so I can haunt them forever."

2. "Cremation: the ultimate way to avoid being buried alive."

3. "I want my ashes to be scattered at Disneyland so I can finally be the happiest ghost on earth."

4. "Cremation: because who wants to take up space in the afterlife too?"

5. "When I die, just throw me in the oven and call it a day."

6. "Cremation: turning up the heat on the afterlife."

7. "I want my ashes to be mixed with glitter so I can sparkle even in death."

8. "Cremation: the hottest trend in funeral services."

9. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, just make sure to add some extra spice to my cremation."

10. "Cremation: the only way to ensure I'm always the life of the party."

Above is Cremation sayings funny.

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