Creole sayings new orleans

1. "Laissez les bons temps rouler" - Let the good times roll

2. "Who dat?" - A phrase used by New Orleans Saints fans to show support for their team

3. "Throw me something, mister!" - A common phrase shouted during Mardi Gras parades to request throws from float riders

4. "Making groceries" - Going grocery shopping

5. "Where y'at?" - A common greeting meaning "How are you?" or "How are things going?"

6. "Pass a good time" - To have a good time or enjoy oneself

7. "C'est la vie" - That's life

8. "Lagniappe" - A little something extra or a bonus

9. "Do whatcha wanna" - A phrase often heard during Mardi Gras, encouraging people to have fun and do what they want

10. "Let the good times roll" - Similar to "Laissez les bons temps rouler," this phrase embodies the spirit of New Orleans and its love for celebration.

Above is Creole sayings new orleans.

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As wet as sayings

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