Creole voodoo sayings

1. "Lè w pa konnen, ou pa konnen." (When you don't know, you don't know.)

2. "Lavi se yon gwo mistè." (Life is a great mystery.)

3. "Lè ou bay, ou resevwa." (When you give, you receive.)

4. "Pa janm mete tout zwa nan men yon sèl moun." (Never put all your eggs in one basket.)

5. "Se pa tout sa ki klere ki or." (Not everything that glitters is gold.)

6. "Chak moun gen yon chemen pa yo." (Everyone has their own path.)

7. "Lè w pa tande, ou ka wè." (When you don't listen, you can see.)

8. "Bondye fè tout bagay pou yon rezon." (God does everything for a reason.)

9. "Lè w pa konprann, ou pa bezwen pale." (When you don't understand, you don't need to speak.)

10. "Pa janm kite move zanjèl fè w bliye move moun." (Never let a bad angel make you forget about bad people.)

Above is Creole voodoo sayings.

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