Cringe tik tok sayings

1. "Sksksksk, and I oop-"

2. "It's not just a phase, mom!"

3. "Do it for the Vine... oh wait, Vine is dead."

4. "I'm baby."

5. "I did a thing."

6. "I'm not like other girls/guys."

7. "Felt cute, might delete later."

8. "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."

9. "Living my best life."

10. "That's the tea, sis."

Above is Cringe tik tok sayings.

Braum lol sayings

1. The darker the night, the brighter the stars.2. The heart is the strongest muscle.3. The mustache is not just for style, it's a symbol of my strength.4. A shield is mightier than a sword.5. I may be outnumbered, but never outmatched.6. Stand behind Braum!7. The only time I have a pro

Christian birthday sayings for an 18 year old boy

1. May God's blessings surround you on your 18th birthday and guide you on the path ahead.2. As you turn 18, may you continue to grow in faith and wisdom, trusting in God's plan for your life.3. On your special day, may you feel the love and presence of God in your life, guiding you in all that

French good morning sayings

1. Bonjour, mon cher! (Good morning, my dear!)2. Bonjour, tout le monde! (Good morning, everyone!)3. Bonne journée à toi! (Have a good day!)4. Passe une excellente journée! (Have a great day!)5. Que ta journée soit belle et lumineuse! (May your day be beautiful and bright!)6. Bonjour, mon

Cute bunny easter sayings

1. Hoppy Easter, everybunny!2. Somebunny loves you this Easter!3. Easter blessings and bunny kisses!4. Hippity hoppity, Easter's on its way!5. Easter eggs and bunny hugs!6. Bunny ears and Easter cheers!7. Wishing you a tail-wagging Easter!8. Easter joy and bunny love!9. Easter egg h

Funny savage sayings

1. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.2. I'm not a smartass, I just know a lot.3. I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode.4. I'm not rude, I'm just honest.5. I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?6. I'm not sarcastic, I'm just fluent in

Pirate phrases pirate sayings

1. Shiver me timbers! - An expression of surprise or disbelief.2. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! - A traditional pirate drinking toast.3. Avast ye! - A command to stop or pay attention.4. Ahoy, matey! - A greeting to a fellow pirate.5. Dead men tell no tales. - A reminder of the importance

Rita moreno quotes and sayings

1. I am the sum total of everything that I have experienced musically. 2. You have to be a little unreal to be in this business. 3. I've always been a rebel. I never do things the way they're supposed to be done. 4. I think that being different, being unique is a good thing. 5. I'm a surviv

Special education sayings

1. Every child is gifted, they just unwrap their packages at different times.2. Different, not less.3. Inclusion is not just a program, it's a mindset.4. Teach me and I will learn, inspire me and I will achieve.5. Every child deserves a champion - an adult who will never give up on them.6.

Sayings for money

1. Money talks.2. Money makes the world go round.3. A penny saved is a penny earned.4. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure helps.5. Money is the root of all evil.6. Easy come, easy go.7. Money doesn't grow on trees.8. Time is money.9. You get what you pay for.10. Money can't bu

Good fortune sayings and quotes

1. Fortune favors the bold. - Latin Proverb2. The harder you work, the luckier you get. - Gary Player3. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. - Seneca4. May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, may good luck pursue you each morning and night. - Irish Blessing5.