Croatian popular sayings

1. "Tko rano rani, dvije sreće grabi." - "The early bird catches the worm."

2. "S kim si, takav si." - "You are who you surround yourself with."

3. "Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na grani." - "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

4. "Nije zlato sve što sja." - "All that glitters is not gold."

5. "Tko visoko leti, nisko pada." - "The higher you fly, the harder you fall."

6. "Nema dima bez vatre." - "There's no smoke without fire."

7. "Ko rano rani, cijeli dan mu se smije." - "He who rises early is laughed at all day."

8. "Kad na vrbi rodi grožđe." - "When willows bear grapes." (Used to express disbelief in something happening)

9. "Ko drugome jamu kopa, sam u nju upada." - "He who digs a pit for others will fall into it himself."

10. "Mudar čovjek i u vjetar sije." - "A wise man sows even in the wind."

Above is Croatian popular sayings.

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