Crooked crown sayings

1. "A crooked crown still shines."

2. "Even a crooked crown can't hide a true queen."

3. "Straighten your crown and move forward."

4. "A crooked crown is a reminder of the battles won."

5. "A crooked crown is a symbol of resilience."

6. "A crooked crown doesn't diminish your worth."

7. "Wear your crooked crown with pride."

8. "A crooked crown tells a story of strength."

9. "A crooked crown is a mark of authenticity."

10. "A crooked crown only adds to your beauty."

Above is Crooked crown sayings.

Almost correct sayings

1. Close, but no cigar.2. You're on the right track, but not quite there.3. You're almost there, keep going.4. You're getting warmer, but not quite.5. You're close, but not quite hitting the mark.

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1. A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use. - Washington Irving2. The tongue is the only tool that gets sharper with use. - Washington Irving3. A sharp tongue can cut your own throat. - Jim Henson4. A sharp tongue is the only thing that gets sharper with const

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Lucky sayings for st patrick& 39

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Famous advert sayings

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