Cross country race sayings

1. "Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

2. "Run the mile you're in."

3. "Embrace the hills, conquer the course."

4. "Mind over matter, legs over distance."

5. "Run like you stole something."

6. "The faster you run, the sooner you're done."

7. "Leave it all on the course."

8. "Run with your heart, finish with your soul."

9. "Run hard, finish strong."

10. "Run the race you trained for."

Above is Cross country race sayings.

Bengali proverbs and sayings

1. আসল মানুষ হলে সত্য বলবে (Asol manush hole sotyo bolbe) - A true person always speaks the truth.2. যে যায় ভালো থাকে, যে থাকে ভালো যায় (Je jay bhalo thake, je thake bhalo jay) - One who goes well, stays well; one who stays well, goes well.3. যারা বড় তারা বড়, যারা ছোট তারা ছোট (Yara bor ta

Sayings like prim and proper

1. As prim as a daisy.2. Proper as a peacock.3. Prim as a picture.4. Prim and polished.5. Proper as a pin.6. Prim and poised.7. Prim as a pearl.8. Proper as a lady.9. Prim and pristine.10. Prim as a princess.

Naughty pirate sayings

1. Shiver me timbers, ye scurvy dogs!2. Avast, ye landlubbers! Surrender yer booty!3. Arrr, ye be walkin' the plank if ye cross me!4. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, a pirate's life for me!5. Batten down the hatches, we be in for a rough ride!6. Aye, me hearties, let's plunder and pillage!

Original tenille cheshire cat sayings

1. We're all mad here.2. Every adventure requires a first step.3. I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours.4. If you don't know where you are going, any road can take you there.5. It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.6. I can't go back t

Patience to be brave quotes milionaires sayings

1. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. - Unknown2. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. - Nelson Mandela3. Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill4. Brav

Mc sayings at a rave

1. Turn up the bass, let's make this night last forever!2. Dance like nobody's watching, just feel the music.3. In the rave we trust, let the beats guide us.4. Rave on, party people, let's lose ourselves in the music.5. Hands up, hearts open, let the music take control.6. Rave to the rhyt

Sayings with look

1. Don't judge a book by its cover.2. The eyes are the window to the soul.3. A picture is worth a thousand words.4. Look before you leap.5. Out of sight, out of mind.6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.7. Keep your eyes on the prize.8. Seeing is believing.9. Eyes wide open.10.

Cover photo bible sayings

Here are a few Bible verses that would make great cover photo sayings:1. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:112. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own underst

Russian world war 2 sayings

1. Никогда не сдавайся (Never give up)2. За Родину! (For the Motherland!)3. Смерть фашизму! (Death to fascism!)4. Победа будет за нами (Victory will be ours)5. Слава героям! (Glory to the heroes)6. Ни шагу назад! (Not a step back!)7. Одна за всех, и все за одну (One for all, and all fo

Ot month sayings

1. April showers bring May flowers.2. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.3. May the fourth be with you. (Star Wars Day on May 4th)4. April fools! (April 1st)5. April is the cruellest month. (from T.S. Eliot's poem The Waste Land)6. April hath put a spirit of youth in ev