Cross country sayings

1. "The hay is in the barn." - Referring to the hard work and preparation leading up to a race.

2. "Embrace the suck." - Encouraging runners to push through the tough parts of a race.

3. "Run the mile you're in." - Focus on the present moment and not getting ahead of yourself.

4. "Pain is temporary, pride is forever." - Reminding runners that the temporary discomfort of a race is worth the sense of accomplishment.

5. "Leave it all on the course." - Encouraging runners to give their best effort in a race.

6. "Run like the wind." - Encouraging runners to push their limits and run with speed and determination.

7. "Hills are speedwork in disguise." - Acknowledging the challenge of running uphill but also recognizing the benefits it brings to overall performance.

8. "It's a hill, get over it." - A reminder to tackle obstacles head-on and not let them hold you back.

9. "Run with your heart, not just your legs." - Encouraging runners to run with passion and determination.

10. "The faster you run, the sooner you're done." - A motivational reminder to push the pace and finish strong.

Above is Cross country sayings.

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