Crow related sayings

1. "As the crow flies" - used to describe the shortest distance between two points.

2. "Eat crow" - to admit that one was wrong or to accept humiliation.

3. "Counting crows" - a phrase used to indicate counting or keeping track of something.

4. "A murder of crows" - a term used to describe a group of crows.

5. "Cawing of crows" - a sign of bad luck or impending danger in some cultures.

6. "Crowing like a rooster among crows" - standing out or boasting in a group where one doesn't belong.

7. "One crow doesn't make a summer" - a reminder that one positive event does not mean all is well.

8. "A crow in a peacock's feathers" - someone pretending to be something they are not.

9. "A crow's sorrow" - a feeling of sadness or melancholy.

10. "Crows are never the whiter for washing themselves" - a proverb meaning that some people's character or behavior cannot be changed.

Above is Crow related sayings.

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