Cute aka sayings

1. "You're the bee's knees!"

2. "You're the cat's pajamas!"

3. "You're as sweet as pie!"

4. "You're a peach!"

5. "You're a gem!"

6. "You're a ray of sunshine!"

7. "You're a doll!"

8. "You're a cupcake!"

9. "You're a cutie patootie!"

10. "You're a snuggle bug!"

Above is Cute aka sayings.

April sayings for bulletin boards

1. April showers bring May flowers.2. April is a promise that May is bound to keep.3. April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.4. April, the month of blossoms and renewal.5. April is a month of growth and new beginnings.6. April is a time for fresh starts and new adventures.7. Apr

Lawyer quotes and sayings

1. The good lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency, and qualifies all his qualifications, but who throws himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape. - Ralph Waldo Emerson2. The first duty of society is justice. - Alexander Hamilton3

Cute sayings about 2020

1. 2020 may have been a rollercoaster, but we're still riding it together.2. In a year full of challenges, we found strength in unity.3. 2020: the year that tested us, but didn't break us.4. Amidst the chaos of 2020, we discovered our resilience.5. Like a phoenix, we rose from the ashes of

Love sayings spanish

1. El amor todo lo puede. (Love can do anything.)2. El amor es ciego. (Love is blind.)3. Donde hay amor, hay vida. (Where there is love, there is life.)4. El amor verdadero nunca se desvanece. (True love never fades.)5. Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro tu propia felicidad. (To lov

Mom's birthday sayings from daughter

1. To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world. Happy birthday, Mom!2. Thank you for always being my rock, my confidante, and my best friend. Wishing you a birthday filled with love and joy.3. Mom, your love and support have shaped me into the person I am today. I am so gr

Old sicilian mafia sayings

1. La vendetta è un piatto che va servito freddo. (Revenge is a dish best served cold)2. Chi tace acconsente. (Silence implies consent)3. La famiglia è tutto. (Family is everything)4. Non dire mai a nessuno quello che stai per fare. (Never tell anyone what you are about to do)5. Il rispetto

My son quotes sayings

That's wonderful! Quotes can be a great source of inspiration and wisdom. Here are a few quotes that your son might enjoy:1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt3. In the end, it's not the years in yo

Distrust quotes sayings

1. Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair. - Unknown2. Distrust is the mother of safety. - Henry David Thoreau3. Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. - Friedrich Nietzsche4. Distrust is the cancer of friendship. - St. Basil5. Distrust is the g

Busier than a one armed paper hanger sayings

This saying is a humorous way to describe someone who is extremely busy or overwhelmed with tasks. It implies that the person is so busy that they are struggling to keep up, much like a one-armed person trying to hang wallpaper.

Clever fall sayings for clothing ads

1. Fall into style with our cozy sweaters and chic jackets.2. Leaves may be falling, but your fashion game is rising with our autumn collection.3. Stay warm and stylish this fall with our trendy scarves and hats.4. Embrace the changing seasons with our fall fashion essentials.5. Sweater wea