Cute baby girl shower cake sayings

1. "Sugar, spice, and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of!"

2. "Welcome to the world, sweet little princess!"

3. "Tiny toes and rosy cheeks, a new baby girl is what everyone seeks!"

4. "She's a little bit of sunshine, a little bit of rain, a precious little girl who brings joy and no pain."

5. "Pink bows and baby clothes, a little girl is heaven-sent, everyone knows!"

6. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, what a precious girl you are!"

7. "A little bit of heaven sent down to earth, a sweet baby girl of immeasurable worth."

8. "Little girls are precious gifts, wrapped in love serene. Their dresses tied with sashes and futures tied with dreams."

9. "A baby girl is a joy to behold, a precious gift more precious than gold."

10. "She may be small, but she is mighty, a baby girl who shines so brightly!"

Above is Cute baby girl shower cake sayings.

Funny old jewish sayings

1. If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.2. If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there.3. Even a fish wouldn't get caught if it kept its mouth shut.4. A penny saved is a penny earned, but a penny loaned is a penny lost.5. You can't make a silk purse out

Cemetery sayings

1. Gone but not forgotten.2. In loving memory.3. Forever in our hearts.4. Rest in peace.5. Until we meet again.6. In God's hands now.7. Always in our thoughts.8. A life well lived.9. In loving memory of a dear [relationship].10. Forever missed, never forgotten.

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1. I have a black belt in fibromyalgia - it's a pain in the neck!2. Fibromyalgia: the only workout where you feel like you've run a marathon after just getting out of bed.3. Living with fibromyalgia is like playing a game of 'Guess That Pain' every day.4. Fibromyalgia: making 'I'm tired' the

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Cups with sayings on them

Cups with sayings on them can be a fun and quirky way to add some personality to your drinkware collection. Here are a few ideas for sayings you could consider:1. Coffee first, adulting second2. Sip happens3. But first, coffee4. Espresso yourself5. Life happens, coffee helps6. Tea-riffic