Cute farm sayings

1. "Life is better on the farm."

2. "Farm sweet farm."

3. "Farm life, best life."

4. "Home is where the barn is."

5. "Plant smiles, grow laughter, harvest love."

6. "Farm fresh and fabulous."

7. "Farm living is the life for me."

8. "Happiness is a day on the farm."

9. "Farmers are the original stewards of the land."

10. "In the garden of life, plant kindness and gather love."

Above is Cute farm sayings.

Free wedding congratulations sayings

1. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness as you begin this new journey together.2. May your marriage be filled with joy, laughter, and endless love.3. Congratulations on finding your perfect match. Here's to a beautiful future together.4. May your love for each other only grow stronger

Short pirate sayings funny

1. Shiver me timbers, that be a mighty fine booty!2. Arrr, ye be talkin' like a landlubber!3. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, that be the pirate's life for me!4. Avast ye, I be the captain of this ship!5. Batten down the hatches, we be in for a rough ride!6. Ahoy matey, let's plunder some t

Linen hand towels with sayings

Here are a few ideas for linen hand towels with sayings:1. Wash your hands, love.2. Clean hands, happy heart.3. Stay fresh, stay clean.4. Hand hygiene is key.5. Dry your hands in style.6. Keep calm and wash on.7. Clean hands, clear mind.8. Wash away your worries.9. Hand hygiene is a

Pispot dutch sayings

1. Wie het laatst lacht, lacht het best. - Translation: He who laughs last, laughs best.2. De appel valt niet ver van de boom. - Translation: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.3. Beter een vogel in de hand dan tien in de lucht. - Translation: Better a bird in the hand than ten in t

Hockey sayings letterkenny

Give your balls a tug, titfucker.

Robin williams mork and mindy sayings

Here are some famous sayings from Robin Williams' character Mork from the TV show Mork and Mindy:1. Nanu nanu! - Mork's greeting to others2. Shazbot! - Mork's expression of frustration or disappointment3. Earthlings! - Mork's way of referring to humans4. Fly, be free! - Mork's farewell to

Weed sayings short

1. Rolling with the homies.2. Inhale the good, exhale the bad.3. Stay high, stay happy.4. Weed is all you need.5. Blaze it, don't praise it.6. Let's get medicated.7. High on life, higher on weed.8. Elevate your mind, elevate your life.9. One toke over the line.10. Weed the people.

Beautiful sayings on life

1. Life is a journey, not a destination.2. In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln3. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. - Charles R. Swindoll4. The purpose of our lives is to be happy. - Dalai Lama5. Life

Dangerous vaping sayings

1. Vape until you can't breathe.2. Blow clouds, not your health.3. Inhale the poison, exhale the addiction.4. Nicotine is my best friend.5. Vaping is cool, cancer is not.6. One more puff won't hurt.7. Live fast, vape hard.8. Vaping is the new smoking.9. Who needs lungs anyway?10.

Funny vomit sayings

1. I don't always vomit, but when I do, it's a real showstopper.2. Vomiting: nature's way of saying 'I regret that last decision.'3. Vomiting is just your body's way of hitting the reset button.4. When life gives you lemons, sometimes you just end up vomiting them back up.5. Vomiting: the u