Cute invitation sayings for 1st birthday

1. "Join us for a day of fun, our little one is turning one!"

2. "A year of firsts, a year of fun, come celebrate our little one!"

3. "One year of joy, one year of love, let's celebrate with cake and hugs!"

4. "Our baby is turning one, come join the party, it'll be so much fun!"

5. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, our baby is turning one, come as you are!"

6. "One year of giggles, one year of smiles, come celebrate with us in style!"

7. "Tiny hands and tiny feet, our little one is turning one, let's make it sweet!"

8. "It's time to celebrate, our baby is turning one, come join us for some birthday fun!"

9. "From newborn to one, how time has flown, come celebrate with us, you're warmly invited to our home!"

10. "Cake, balloons, and lots of cheer, our baby's first birthday is almost here!"

Above is Cute invitation sayings for 1st birthday.

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