Cute kiwi sayings

1. "Sweet as, bro!" - Meaning something is really good or awesome.

2. "Chur bro!" - A way of saying thank you or expressing approval.

3. "She'll be right!" - Everything will be okay or sorted out.

4. "Choice bro!" - Something is excellent or top-notch.

5. "Good on ya, mate!" - Well done or congratulations.

6. "Kia ora!" - Hello or welcome.

7. "No worries, mate!" - Don't worry about it, it's all good.

8. "Yeah, nah." - A way of saying no or expressing doubt.

9. "Tiki tour" - Taking a scenic route or a roundabout way to get somewhere.

10. "Heaps good!" - Really good or fantastic.

Above is Cute kiwi sayings.

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Complete versions of sayings

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Two word quotes and sayings

1. Stay strong2. Love wins3. Dream big4. Be kind5. Never give up6. Live fully7. Choose joy8. Embrace change9. Find peace10. Believe in yourself