Cute mothers day sayings funny

1. "Thanks for putting up with me all these years, Mom. You deserve a medal... or at least a day off!"

2. "Happy Mother's Day to the woman who still loves me even when I eat all the cookies and leave the crumbs in the bed."

3. "Mom, thanks for not only giving me life but also for not taking it back during my teenage years."

4. "To the world, you may just be one person, but to me, you are the world... and the one who knows where I left my keys."

5. "Mom, you're the real MVP for dealing with my drama and still managing to keep a sense of humor. Love you!"

6. "I smile because you're my mother. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it!"

7. "Happy Mother's Day to the woman who gave me life and then taught me how to live it with style and sass."

8. "Mom, you're the reason I'm fabulous... and also the reason I can never find my socks."

9. "Thanks for always being there with a hug, a listening ear, and a healthy dose of sarcasm. Love you, Mom!"

10. "To the woman who gave me life, love, and a healthy dose of reality checks. Happy Mother's Day!"

Above is Cute mothers day sayings funny.

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