Cute nighty night sayings

1. "Sweet dreams and goodnight!"

2. "Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!"

3. "May your dreams be as sweet as you are."

4. "Time to rest your head and drift off to dreamland."

5. "Wishing you a peaceful night's sleep."

6. "Goodnight, sleep well, and dream of all things beautiful."

7. "As the stars twinkle above, may you drift off to a peaceful slumber."

8. "Sending you love and hugs to accompany you to dreamland."

9. "Nighty night, sleep with the angels."

10. "May your pillow be soft, your blankets warm, and your dreams sweet."

Above is Cute nighty night sayings.

Arabic love proverbs sayings

1. الحب لا يعرف العمر ولا الزمان. (Love knows no age or time.)2. الحب أعمى والزواج يعيد البصر. (Love is blind, but marriage restores sight.)3. الحب يجعل الصعب سهلاً. (Love makes the difficult easy.)4. الحب لا يعرف الحدود. (Love knows no boundaries.)5. الحب أعظم من الكلام. (Love is greater

Guyanese creole sayings

1. Wah sweet nanny goat ah run go get am - Translation: What a sweet nanny goat runs to get, it will get.Meaning: Good things come to those who wait.2. Cow nah know di use ah him tail till di butcher cut it off - Translation: A cow doesn't know the use of its tail until the butcher cuts it off.M

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1. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey2. Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one. - Brad Paisley3. New year, new beginnings, new opportunities. Let's make it a year to remember. - Unknown4. May the new year bring you co

Louisiana sayings and words

1. Lagniappe - a little something extra, a bonus or unexpected gift2. Cher - term of endearment, similar to dear or sweetheart3. Cajun - a term used to describe the French-speaking Acadian people of Louisiana4. Zydeco - a style of music that originated in southwest Louisiana, blending Creole, Ca

Bad chevrolet sayings

1. Chevrolet: Because walking is overrated.2. Chevrolet: Making you question your life choices one breakdown at a time.3. Chevrolet: Where 'reliable' is just a suggestion.4. Chevrolet: Turning dreams into repair bills.5. Chevrolet: Where the check engine light is your constant companion.6.

Printable cute sayings for chips

1. Life is better with a bag of chips.2. You're the salsa to my chips.3. Crunchy, salty, and oh so satisfying.4. Chips make everything better.5. In a world full of snacks, be a bag of chips.6. You can't buy happiness, but you can buy chips.7. Chips are the ultimate comfort food.8. Chi

Swimming sayings for t-shirts

1. Just keep swimming2. Swim like a fish3. Eat, sleep, swim, repeat4. Swim hard, swim fast5. Swim with heart6. Swim your worries away7. Swim like there's no tomorrow8. Swim free, be happy9. Swim with passion10. Swim, sweat, succeed

Bill walton one word sayings

1. Groovy2. Radical3. Awesome4. Fantastic5. Incredible6. Unbelievable7. Epic8. Legendary9. Magical10. Phenomenal

Inactions quotes and sayings

1. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke2. Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. - Dale Carnegie3. The world is a danger

Sayings about getting taken advantage of

1. Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile.2. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.3. Don't be a doormat for others to wipe their feet on.4. Being too nice can be a weakness when others take advantage of it.5. Trust is like a mirror, once broken it can never be the sa