Cute old couple sayings

1. "Grow old with me, the best is yet to be."

2. "Love is not about how many years you have been together, but how much you have grown together."

3. "We may be old, but our love is forever young."

4. "A true love story never ends, no matter how old we get."

5. "The wrinkles on our faces are just a map of the beautiful journey we have shared."

6. "You are my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye, even after all these years."

7. "We may be old, but we are still young at heart when we are together."

8. "The best part of growing old is doing it with you by my side."

9. "We may be old, but we are still writing our love story every day."

10. "I may not be able to turn back the clock, but I can always rewind to the moments we shared together."

Above is Cute old couple sayings.

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