Cute polish sayings
1. "Każda kura swoje jajko znosi." - "Every hen lays its own egg." (Meaning: Everyone is responsible for their own actions.)
2. "Gdzie dwóch się bije, tam trzeci korzysta." - "Where two fight, the third one benefits." (Meaning: Sometimes it's advantageous to stay out of conflicts.)
3. "Nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło." - "There is no bad from which good does not come." (Meaning: Every cloud has a silver lining.)
4. "Kto sieje wiatr, ten zbiera burzę." - "Who sows the wind, reaps the storm." (Meaning: You will face consequences for your actions.)
5. "Gdzie diabeł nie może, tam babę pośle." - "Where the devil can't go, he sends a woman." (This saying is often used humorously to suggest that women are resourceful and capable.)
6. "Głupi ma zawsze szczęście." - "The fool is always lucky." (This saying implies that sometimes luck favors those who may not be the most intelligent.)
7. "Lepszy wróbel w garści, niż gołąb na dachu." - "A sparrow in the hand is better than a pigeon on the roof." (Meaning: It's better to have something small but certain than to risk losing something bigger.)
8. "Co ma wisieć, nie utonie." - "What is meant to hang, won't drown." (This saying suggests that inevitable consequences will catch up with someone eventually.)
9. "Gdzie dwóch Polaków, tam trzy opinie." - "Where there are two Poles, there are three opinions." (This humorous saying highlights the tendency for people to have differing viewpoints.)
10. "Kto rano wstaje, temu Pan Bóg daje." - "Whoever wakes up early, God gives to them." (This saying emphasizes the benefits of starting the day early and being proactive.)
Above is Cute polish sayings.