Cute pregnancy sayings

1. "Bumpin' along!"

2. "Growing a miracle."

3. "Eating for two, dreaming of three."

4. "Baby on board!"

5. "Nesting mode activated."

6. "Pregnant and fabulous."

7. "Mom-to-be, full of glee."

8. "Creating a little miracle."

9. "Pregnancy glow in full effect."

10. "Blessed with a bump."

Above is Cute pregnancy sayings.

Good cannabis sayings

1. Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.2. Life is better with a little green.3. Keep calm and smoke on.4. Weed is not a drug, it's a plant.5. Elevate your mind, elevate your life.6. High vibes only.7. When life gives you lemons, roll a joint.8. Cannabis: the plant that unites us

Sayings like don't put all your eggs in one basket

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Rudder sayings

1. Stay on course, like a rudder in the storm.2. The rudder may be small, but it guides the entire ship.3. A steady hand on the rudder keeps the ship sailing straight.4. Just as a rudder steers a ship, our choices steer our lives.5. In the sea of life, let your values be your rudder.6. Ev

Disney dedication sayings for toddler

1. To all who come to this happy place, welcome! - Walt Disney2. Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever. - Walt Disney3. Adventure is out there! - Up4. The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work. - The Princess and the Frog5. Believe y

Badass sayings with out swear words

1. I fear no challenge, for I am the master of my fate.2. I walk the path of greatness, unafraid of the shadows.3. Strength is not in brute force, but in unwavering determination.4. I am a warrior of resilience, unbroken by the storms of life.5. In the face of adversity, I stand tall and un

Hot steel sayings

1. Strike while the iron is hot.2. Hard as steel, strong as iron.3. Steel yourself for the challenges ahead.4. Tempered like steel, unbreakable in spirit.5. In the heat of battle, steel shines brightest.6. Cutting through obstacles like a hot knife through butter.7. Forged in fire, hard

Camo themed sayings

1. Blend in or stand out, it's all about the camo route.2. In the world of camo, the unseen is the most powerful.3. When in doubt, wear camo out.4. Camouflage is not just a pattern, it's a way of life.5. Hiding in plain sight, camo does it right.6. Camo is the ultimate fashion statement f

Short disney sayings

1. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney2. Hakuna Matata - The Lion King3. Just keep swimming - Finding Nemo4. A dream is a wish your heart makes - Cinderella5. Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten - Lilo & S

Tacky dress up day sayings

1. Dress to impress, or just dress to distress!2. Go big or go home... in your tackiest outfit!3. Embrace the clash of colors and patterns, it's tacky dress up day!4. Let your fashion faux pas flag fly high today!5. When in doubt, add more glitter and sequins!6. Fashion disasters unite on

Immortal knowledge learning sayings

1. Knowledge is power.2. The more you learn, the more you realize how much you don't know.3. Education is the key to unlocking the golden door of freedom.4. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.5. The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away fro