Cute sayings about sprinkles

1. "Sprinkles are like confetti for your dessert!"

2. "Life is better with sprinkles on top."

3. "Sprinkles make everything sweeter."

4. "Happiness is a sprinkle-covered treat."

5. "Sprinkle a little joy wherever you go."

6. "You can't have a bad day with sprinkles on your dessert."

7. "Sprinkles are the cherry on top of life."

8. "Sprinkles are the magic dust of the baking world."

9. "Sprinkle kindness like confetti."

10. "In a world full of plain, be a sprinkle."

Above is Cute sayings about sprinkles.

Antique quotes sayings

1. Old is gold.2. They don't make them like they used to.3. In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught. - Baba Dioum4. The best way to predict the future is to create it. - Peter Drucker5. The past is

Sayings in english translated to spanish

1. Actions speak louder than words - Las acciones hablan más que las palabras2. Better late than never - Más vale tarde que nunca3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch - No cuentes tus pollos antes de que nazcan4. Every cloud has a silver lining - No hay mal que por bien no ve

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This is me quotes and sayings

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Finnish sayings about family

1. Perhe on paras turva. (Family is the best security.)2. Perhe on kuin aurinko, se lämmittää aina. (Family is like the sun, it always warms you.)3. Perhe on kuin linnunpesä, johon aina voi palata. (Family is like a bird's nest, where you can always return.)4. Perhe on kuin puu, sen juuret ov