Cute sayings for dog hangers

1. "Home is where the dog hair sticks to everything but the dog."

2. "All you need is love and a dog."

3. "My dog is my best friend."

4. "Life is better with a dog by your side."

5. "Love is a four-legged word."

6. "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."

7. "A house is not a home without a dog."

8. "Dogs leave paw prints on our hearts."

9. "Happiness is a warm puppy."

10. "Who rescued who?"

Above is Cute sayings for dog hangers.

Funny marble sayings

1. Life is a lot like a marble, it's round and full of unexpected twists and turns.2. I'm not playing with a full set of marbles.3. I've lost my marbles, but I'm sure they'll turn up eventually.4. Rolling with the marbles.5. Marble-ous adventures await!6. Don't marble at the small stuff.

Bumble bee sayings transformers

Buzz off, Decepticons!Time to sting, Autobots!Let's make some noise, Bumblebee!Transform and roll out!Protect and serve, Bumblebee!Beeware, enemies of justice!Ready to rock and roll, Bumblebee!Time to light up the sky, Bumblebee!Let's show them the power of the hive!Ready to bring

Sayings about race

1. We may have different races, but we are all part of the human race.2. Race is a social construct, but unity is a choice.3. The color of our skin may vary, but the color of our blood remains the same.4. Diversity is a strength, not a weakness.5. In the race of life, we are all running tow

Charging sayings

1. You can't pour from an empty cup.2. Recharge your batteries.3. Take time to rest, it's the best investment for your future.4. You can't give what you don't have.5. Self-care is not selfish, it's essential.6. Don't burn yourself out trying to light up someone else's life.7. You deserv

Booker t sayings

1. Don't hate the player, hate the game.2. Can you dig it, sucka?3. I'm the five-time, five-time, five-time, five-time, five-time WCW Champion!4. Don't hate the man, hate the plan.5. I'm the King of the Ring, and you're looking at the next World Heavyweight Champion, so get ready, because i

Aging sayings funny

1. Age is just a number, until you start counting the wrinkles.2. I'm not old, I'm just well-seasoned.3. I'm not old, I'm a classic.4. I'm not old, I'm vintage.5. I'm not old, I'm a fine wine getting better with age.6. I'm not old, I'm a recycled teenager.7. I'm not old, I'm a senior yo

Old newfoundland sayings

1. Stay where you're to till I comes where you're at. - Meaning, stay put until I come to you.2. The more you talks, the less you knows. - Implying that talking too much can reveal ignorance.3. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. - Suggesting that it's difficult to change someone's habits o

Sayings with rich and poor

1. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.2. Money can't buy happiness.3. It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.4. The rich man is wise in his own eyes, but the poor who has understanding sees through him.5. The greate

Aunt lydia sayings handmaid's tale

Some of Aunt Lydia's sayings from The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood include:- There is more than one kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don't underrate it.- Nolite te bastardes carb

Dad wedding handkerchief sayings

1. To wipe away happy tears on this special day.2. For the tears of joy that will surely flow.3. A keepsake for the father of the bride, with love.4. For the man who raised me with love and care.5. Dad, you've always been my rock, now please hold this hanky.6. For the tears of pride that