Cute sayings for food gifts

1. "You're the sprinkles on my cupcake."

2. "You're the peanut butter to my jelly."

3. "You're the cheese to my macaroni."

4. "You're the icing on the cake."

5. "You're the cherry on top."

6. "You're the salt to my caramel."

7. "You're the chocolate to my strawberries."

8. "You're the marshmallows in my hot cocoa."

9. "You're the cookie to my milk."

10. "You're the sugar in my tea."

Above is Cute sayings for food gifts.

21st birthday sash sayings

1. Legal and fabulous at 21!2. Finally 21 and ready to have some fun!3. Cheers to 21 years!4. Turning 21 in style!5. 21 and oh so fun!6. Legal, wild, and 21!7. Twenty-one and loving life!8. Sassy at 21!9. 21 and ready to party!10. Celebrating 21 years of awesomeness!

Friendship sayings pinterest

1. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld2. Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one. - C.S. Lewis3. Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. - Woodrow Wi

Funny spanish sayings

1. Más vale tarde que nunca - Better late than never2. A falta de pan, buenas son tortas - In the absence of bread, cakes are good3. El que ríe último, ríe mejor - He who laughs last, laughs best4. No hay mal que por bien no venga - Every cloud has a silver lining5. En boca cerrada no entra

Mickey mouse christmas card sayings

1. Wishing you a magical Christmas filled with joy and laughter, just like Mickey Mouse!2. May your holiday season be as cheerful and bright as Mickey's smile!3. Sending you warm wishes and Mickey Mouse hugs this Christmas!4. Hope your Christmas is as merry and fun as a day at Disneyland with

Sayings about 17

1. Seventeen is the age of dreams and possibilities.2. At seventeen, you're on the cusp of adulthood, ready to spread your wings.3. Seventeen is a time of transition, a bridge between childhood and the adult world.4. Being seventeen is like standing at the edge of a cliff, ready to jump into

Nelson mandela famous sayings

1. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.2. It always seems impossible until it's done.3. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.4. For t

Never make assumptions sayings put downs

Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings, so it's always best to ask questions and communicate openly.

Chiropractic sayings and quotes

1. The power that made the body heals the body. - B.J. Palmer2. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. - World Health Organization3. The spine is the lifeline. A lot of people should go to a chiropractor but they

Minion sayings from the movie

1. Banana!2. Whaaaaaat?3. Papoy!4. Me want banana!5. Bee doo bee doo bee doo!6. Bottom!7. Tulaliloo ti amo!8. Gelato!9. Poopaye!10. Underwear!

Dog putting to sleep sayings

Here are some sayings or quotes about putting a dog to sleep:1. Sometimes the kindest act is to say goodbye.2. Saying goodbye to a loyal friend is never easy.3. In the end, love is letting go.4. A dog may only be a part of your life, but to them, you are their whole world.5. The pain of los