Cute sayings for highlighter thankyou gifts

1. "You make my world brighter!"

2. "You're the highlight of my day!"

3. "You're a shining star in my life!"

4. "Thanks for adding color to my life!"

5. "You're the highlighter to my happiness!"

6. "You make everything brighter with your kindness!"

7. "You're a ray of sunshine in my life!"

8. "Thanks for highlighting the good in me!"

9. "You're the highlighter that brings out the best in me!"

10. "You're a highlight in a world full of ordinary."

Above is Cute sayings for highlighter thankyou gifts.

Christian sayings about thanks

1. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. - 1 Thessalonians 5:182. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. - Psalm 100:43. I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tel

Funny17 birthday sayings

1. You're not getting older, you're just increasing in value like a fine wine.2. Age is just a number, but in your case, it's a really big number!3. You're not old, you're just retro!4. You're like a fine cheese, getting better with age.5. Happy 17th birthday! You're officially in the awkwa

Sweet sayings to her

1. You are the sunshine that brightens my day.2. In a world full of chaos, you are my peace.3. Your smile is the most beautiful curve on your face.4. I fall more in love with you every single day.5. You are the missing piece to my puzzle of life.6. I am grateful for your presence in my li

Sayings on the back of nfl helmets

1. Leave it all on the field.2. Heart, hustle, and muscle.3. Win as one, lose as one.4. Respect all, fear none.5. Champions are made in the offseason.6. Play like a champion today.7. One team, one dream.8. Embrace the grind.9. In it to win it.10. Unleash the beast within.

Positive sayings to encourage others

1. Believe in yourself and all that you are. You are capable of achieving great things.2. You are stronger than you think, braver than you believe, and smarter than you know.3. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.4. Success is not the key to happiness. Happines

Colossus russian sayings

1. Не рой другому яму, сам в нее попадешь. (Do not dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.)2. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. (Better a small bird in hand than a crane in the sky.)3. Утро вечера мудренее. (The morning is wiser than the evening.)4. Тише едешь, да

Famous new jersey sayings

1. Jersey Strong2. Fuggedaboutit3. The Garden State4. Down the shore5. North Jersey vs. South Jersey6. Jersey Pride7. Pork roll or Taylor ham?8. Exit 0 to Exit 189. Jersey Fresh10. What exit are you from?

Sayings about best friends birthday

1. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings. Happy birthday to my best friend!2. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. Wishing my best friend a birthday filled with love and laughter.3. In the cookies of life, friends are the chocolate chips. Happy birthday to my sweetest friend

Short tattoo sayings

1. Carpe Diem (Seize the day)2. Stay strong3. Live, love, laugh4. Be the change5. Just breathe6. Find your bliss7. Fearless8. Dream big9. Love yourself10. Let it be

Bedroom dream catcher quotes and sayings

1. Dreams are the whispers of the soul, catch them with a dream catcher.2. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, and your actions louder than your words.3. May your dream catcher filter out the bad dreams and let only the good ones pass through.4. Dream big, aim high, and let your dream