Cute sayings for post ir notes

1. "You're the sprinkles on my cupcake."

2. "You're the sunshine on a rainy day."

3. "You're the cherry on top of my sundae."

4. "You're the peanut butter to my jelly."

5. "You're the unicorn in my rainbow."

6. "You're the star in my sky."

7. "You're the smile in my day."

8. "You're the melody to my song."

9. "You're the key to my heart."

10. "You're the light in my life."

Above is Cute sayings for post ir notes.

Sayings broken relationships

1. Sometimes, the strongest hearts are the ones that have been broken the most.2. A broken relationship is like a shattered mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it.3. You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.4. When

Rising to the competition sayings

1. Rise to the occasion and show them what you're made of.2. Compete with passion and determination, and let your actions speak louder than words.3. In the face of competition, let your hard work and dedication shine through.4. Embrace the challenge and use it as fuel to propel yourself to ne

Awesome tuesday sayings

1. Tuesday: the day to remember all the things you didn't get done on Monday and push them off until Wednesday.2. Tuesday is a terrific day because it means you survived Monday!3. On Tuesdays, we tackle our to-do lists like bosses.4. Tuesday: a day to be productive and make things happen.5.

Bosnian srecan bajram sayings

1. Sretan Bajram svim muslimanima koji slave!2. Bajram šerif mubarek olsun!3. Neka vam Bajram donese radost, mir i blagostanje!4. Bajramski dani neka budu ispunjeni ljubavlju i srećom!5. Neka vam Bajram donese obilje zdravlja, sreće i uspjeha!6. Sretan Bajram, neka vam svaki trenutak bude ispunjen r

Bingo sayings uk

1. Two little ducks, twenty-two2. Legs eleven, dancing queen3. Knock at the door, number four4. Lucky seven, God's in heaven5. Sweet sixteen, never been kissed6. Doctor's orders, number nine7. Unlucky for some, number thirteen8. Heaven's gate, number eight9. One dozen, a baker's doz

Shake sayings

1. Shake it off.2. Shake things up.3. Shake a leg.4. Shake like a leaf.5. Shake the dust off.6. Shake a fist.7. Shake a stick at.8. Shake a tail feather.9. Shake the cobwebs off.10. Shake hands on it.

Cute sayings on so tired fall asleep eating

1. Falling asleep with a snack in hand, dreaming of food wonderland.2. Eating until I'm sleepy, then drifting off into dreamy.3. Snoozing while munching, a tired foodie's happy ending.4. Napping with a full belly, my dreams are extra smelly.5. Dozing off mid-bite, a food lover's delight.6.

Sayings about experts

1. An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less. 2. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. 3. A true expert is always a student first. 4. It takes years to become an overnight success. 5. The expert in anything was once a beginner. 6. Expertise is earned t

Funny save the date sayings

1. Save the date or we'll send the in-laws after you!2. Save the date, or we'll have to resort to carrier pigeons.3. Save the date, or we'll have to resort to smoke signals.4. Save the date, or we'll have to resort to sending a singing telegram.5. Save the date, or we'll have to resort to s

Erosion sayings

1. Erosion wears away mountains, but it also reveals their beauty.2. Like water eroding rock, time can soften even the hardest of hearts.3. Erosion teaches us that even the strongest things can be worn down over time.4. Just as wind and water shape the land, our experiences shape who we are.