Cute sayings for smiles

1. "A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear."

2. "Smile, it's the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart."

3. "A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."

4. "Smile, it's free therapy."

5. "Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about."

6. "A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear."

7. "Smile, it's contagious."

8. "Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark."

9. "A smile is the universal welcome."

10. "Smile, it's the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear, and to hide every pain."

Above is Cute sayings for smiles.

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1. Smooth sailing - Refers to a situation that is going well or progressing without any obstacles.2. Batten down the hatches - Means to prepare for a difficult or challenging situation.3. By and large - Originally a nautical term meaning sailing into the wind and then off it, now used to mean

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1. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela2. The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. - B.B. King3. Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. - William Butler Yeats4. The more t

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1. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. - Josh Billings2. Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, and filling an emptiness we didn't even know we had. - Thom Jones3. Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. - Roger Caras4.

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Travel sayings and quotes

1. The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. - St. Augustine2. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. - Unknown3. Not all those who wander are lost. - J.R.R. Tolkien4. Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. - Ibn Ba

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Cute heartfelt sayings

1. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.2. You make my heart smile.3. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.4. I love you more than words can express.5. You are my happy place.6. You are the light of my life.7. I am so grateful to have you in my life.8. You are my favorite

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1. Populism is a belief in the power of regular people to make change happen. - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez2. Populism is not a style, it's a people's rebellion against the iron grip that big corporations have on our country. - Jim Hightower3. Populism is the rejection of the political elite and t

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1. The universe is the manifestation of the divine Vishwaroopam of God.2. In the vast expanse of the cosmos, we witness the infinite forms of God's Vishwaroopam.3. Just as the universe is boundless, so is the Vishwaroopam of God, encompassing all creation.4. Behold the wondrous Vishwaroopam o

Dog sayings for dog bandanas

1. Pawsitively adorable2. Woof-tastic3. Fur-ever loyal4. Bark if you love me5. Wag more, bark less6. Paws and relax7. Dog gone cute8. Life is better with a dog9. Fetch me some treats10. I'm a good boy/girl