Cute sayings to tell your husband you are pregnant

1. "Our love is growing, just like our family. We're expecting!"

2. "You're going to be a daddy! We're pregnant!"

3. "I have a little secret to share with you... we're going to be parents!"

4. "Our love has created a little miracle. We're expecting a baby!"

5. "I have a bun in the oven... we're going to be parents!"

6. "Get ready for some sleepless nights, because we're going to be parents!"

7. "Our family is expanding, we're expecting a little one!"

8. "I have a little surprise for you... we're pregnant!"

9. "You're going to be a dad! We're expecting a baby!"

10. "I can't wait to see you as a father. We're going to have a baby!"

Above is Cute sayings to tell your husband you are pregnant.

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