Cute sayings togo with candy to say good luck

1. "Wishing you a sweet success!"

2. "May your day be as sweet as this candy and filled with good luck!"

3. "Sending you a little sweetness for good luck!"

4. "Here's a treat to bring you luck and happiness!"

5. "May this candy bring you all the luck in the world!"

6. "Sweet treats for a sweet soul, wishing you good luck!"

7. "A little sugar for some extra luck!"

8. "Good luck and sweet treats coming your way!"

9. "May this candy bring you the luck you deserve!"

10. "Sweeten your day with some good luck ahead!"

Above is Cute sayings togo with candy to say good luck.

Funny 60th birthday sayings for cakes

1. 60 and still rocking it!2. Aged to perfection at 60!3. 60 is the new 40... with 20 years of experience!4. 60 and fabulous!5. Sixty and sassy!6. 60 and still young at heart!7. 60 and loving it!8. 60 and thriving!9. 60 and still a party animal!10. 60 and better than ever!

Happy day sayings

1. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.2. Today is a good day for a good day.3. Happiness is a choice, make today a happy day.4. Find joy in the little things, and make today a happy day.5. Today is a new beginning, make it a happy one.6. Smile, it's a bran

Passed away i miss you grandpa sayings

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Here are some sayings that may help you express your feelings of missing your grandpa:1. I miss you more than words can express, Grandpa.2. Your absence is felt deeply, Grandpa. I miss you every day.3. The memories we shared will always keep you close in my he

Perfect relationship quotes and sayings

1. A successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. - Mignon McLaughlin2. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. - Nicholas Sparks3. In a relationship

Book worm sayings

1. I like big books and I cannot lie.2. Just one more chapter...3. Books are my happy place.4. I'd rather be reading.5. My weekend is all booked.6. Bookworms never go to bed alone.7. I have too many books, said no bookworm ever.8. Books: Because reality is overrated.9. I'm not addic

I love you this much sayings

1. I love you to the moon and back.2. I love you more than words can express.3. I love you beyond measure.4. I love you with all my heart and soul.5. I love you to infinity and beyond.6. I love you more than all the stars in the sky.7. I love you with every beat of my heart.8. I love

Printable sayings to frame

1. Live, Laugh, Love2. Home Sweet Home3. Family is Everything4. Bless this Mess5. Good Vibes Only6. Home is Where the Heart is7. Inhale Love, Exhale Gratitude8. You are my Sunshine9. Choose Joy10. Love Grows Here

Chill out quotes sayings

1. Relax, nothing is under control.2. Don't worry, be happy.3. Just breathe and let go.4. Inhale the future, exhale the past.5. Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life.6. Stress less, live more.7. Let it go, let it flow.8. Do

Sayings for volleyball posters

1. Spike it like it's hot!2. Bump, set, spike, win!3. Dig deep, play hard, win big!4. Block party at the net!5. Volleyball is life, the rest is just details.6. Sweat now, shine later.7. Serve it up, set it up, knock it down!8. Winners never quit, quitters never win.9. Good things co

Sayings about sharing your drama on facebook

1. Don't air your dirty laundry on Facebook.2. Keep your drama off social media.3. Your problems don't need a Facebook audience.4. Sharing your drama on Facebook won't solve anything.5. Save the drama for your mama, not for Facebook.6. Don't feed the drama by posting it on social media.7