Cute short thank you sayings

1. "Grateful for your kindness!"

2. "Thanks a bunch!"

3. "You're the best!"

4. "Appreciate you!"

5. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

6. "You're a gem!"

7. "Thanks a million!"

8. "You're a lifesaver!"

9. "So thankful for you!"

10. "You're amazing!"

Above is Cute short thank you sayings.

Sayings with shenanigans

1. Life is full of shenanigans, so you might as well embrace the chaos.2. When in doubt, just blame it on the shenanigans.3. Let the shenanigans begin!4. It's all fun and games until the shenanigans get out of hand.5. A little bit of shenanigans never hurt anyone.6. Embrace the shenanigan

Cancer sayings dealing with bowling or 50's

1. Strike out cancer, one pin at a time.2. Rolling through cancer like a bowling ball down the lane.3. Rockin' the 50's and knocking out cancer.4. Spare no effort in the fight against cancer.5. Bowling for a cure, one frame at a time.6. Let's bowl over cancer together.7. In the game of

Window cleaning sayings

1. Crystal clear windows, clear view to the world.2. Let the sunshine in, with sparkling clean windows.3. Reflections of perfection, with our window cleaning service.4. See the world through a clean window.5. Windows so clean, you'll forget they're even there.6. Clear windows, clear mind.

Software testing quotes and sayings

1. Testing shows the presence, not the absence of bugs. - Edsger Dijkstra2. The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten. - Benjamin Franklin3. The sooner you start testing, the more time you have to fix the problems. - Anonymous4. Testing can only

Good behaviour quotes and sayings

1. Your behavior is a reflection of what you believe in. - Unknown2. Good behavior is the best kind of beauty. - Unknown3. Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you. - Unknown4. Good behavior is a necessary condition for a happy life. - Unknown5. The best way to show that

80s kid uk sayings

1. Bog off - a way of telling someone to go away or leave you alone.2. Gutted - feeling disappointed or upset about something.3. Chuffed - feeling pleased or proud about something.4. Gobsmacked - feeling shocked or surprised.5. Minging - something that is disgusting or unappealing.6. Skiv

Chevalier sayings

1. A true knight is not defined by the armor he wears, but by the courage in his heart.2. Chivalry is not just a code of conduct, but a way of life for a noble knight.3. In the face of adversity, a chevalier stands strong and unwavering, ready to defend what is right.4. The honor of a knight

Malcolm x famous sayings

Malcolm X was known for his powerful and thought-provoking statements. Some of his famous sayings include:1. You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.2. Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it

Old spice guy sayings

1. I'm on a horse.2. Look at your man, now back to me.3. Smell like a man, man.4. I'm the man your man could smell like.5. Swagger is as swagger does.6. I'm not saying this body wash will make your man smell like a romantic millionaire jet fighter pilot, but I am insinuating it.7. Belie

Clever hair sayings

1. Life is too short to have boring hair.2. Good hair days make everything better.3. Hair today, gone tomorrow.4. Messy hair, don't care.5. Hair is a woman's crowning glory.6. Love is in the hair.7. Hair goals: long, strong, and healthy.8. Hair like a lioness, fierce and untamed.9.