Cute single mom quotes and sayings

1. "Being a single mom is twice the work, twice the stress, and twice the tears, but also twice the hugs, twice the love, and twice the pride."

2. "I may be a single mom, but I am also a superhero in my child's eyes."

3. "Strong women raise strong children, and I am proud to be both."

4. "Being a single mom means you are the provider, the nurturer, and the protector all rolled into one."

5. "I may be doing it alone, but I am never alone in my love for my child."

6. "Motherhood: All love begins and ends there, even as a single mom."

7. "Single mom: a title just above queen."

8. "I may be one person, but to my child, I am their whole world."

9. "Being a single mom doesn't mean you are alone, it means you are strong enough to handle it all."

10. "My child may only have one parent, but they have all of my love."

Above is Cute single mom quotes and sayings.

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