Cute spanish sayings to a boy

1. Eres mi media naranja - You are my other half

2. Eres mi sol en un día nublado - You are my sunshine on a cloudy day

3. Eres mi estrella en el cielo - You are my star in the sky

4. Eres mi razón de sonreír - You are my reason to smile

5. Eres mi mundo entero - You are my whole world

6. Eres mi amor verdadero - You are my true love

7. Eres mi sueño hecho realidad - You are my dream come true

8. Eres mi tesoro más preciado - You are my most precious treasure

9. Eres mi amor eterno - You are my eternal love

10. Eres mi corazón latiendo - You are my beating heart

Above is Cute spanish sayings to a boy.

Sayings for promoting w9men

1. Empowered women empower women.2. Strong women lift each other up.3. Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.4. The future is female.5. Women supporting women is a powerful force.6. When women support each other, incredible things happen.7.

Funny drink coaster sayings

1. I'm not drunk, I'm just avoiding the floor.2. I drink coffee for your protection.3. This coaster is my superhero cape.4. I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing the coaster's durability.5. I'm not a regular drinker, I'm a coaster enthusiast.6. My drink coaster is my spirit animal.7. I'm not

Business cards with 3 different sayings

1. Make a lasting impression with our exceptional services.2. Stand out from the crowd with our innovative solutions.3. Elevate your brand with our creative expertise.

British sayings weather

1. It's raining cats and dogs - used to describe heavy rain.2. It's brass monkeys out there - used to describe very cold weather.3. Red sky at night, shepherd's delight; red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning - a saying about predicting the weather based on the color of the sky.4. The sun

Dj quotes and sayings

1. Music is the strongest form of magic. - Marilyn Manson2. Without music, life would be a mistake. - Friedrich Nietzsche3. Music is the universal language of mankind. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow4. Where words fail, music speaks. - Hans Christian Andersen5. Music can change the world becau

Sayings about discrimination

1. Discrimination is a disease that infects the soul and corrupts the mind.2. When you judge someone based on their appearance, you miss out on the beauty of their character.3. Discrimination is a poison that destroys unity and breeds hatred.4. The only thing we should discriminate against is

Helen keller sayings

Here are some famous quotes by Helen Keller:1. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.2. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.3. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done witho

Sayings corruption

Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it's set a-rolling it must increase. - Charles Caleb Colton

Cute sayings about life and picnic

1. Life is a picnic, so grab a blanket and enjoy the feast of moments.2. In the grand picnic of life, savor every bite and cherish every moment.3. Life is a picnic basket full of surprises, so pack your optimism and enjoy the journey.4. Just like a picnic, life is best enjoyed with good compa

Latin sayings with bibendum

1. In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas, in bibendum felicitas. (In wine there is truth, in water there is health, in drinking there is happiness.)2. Bibendum est melior quam potus. (Drinking is better than not drinking.)3. Bibendum ad vitam. (Drink to life.)4. Bibendum ad astra. (Drink to the s