Cute tequila sayings

1. "Tequila may not be the answer, but it's worth a shot."

2. "Tequila: because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad."

3. "In tequila we trust."

4. "Tequila: liquid courage in a bottle."

5. "Tequila: making bad decisions since forever."

6. "Tequila is like duct tape, it fixes everything."

7. "Tequila: the only way to turn a good night into a great night."

8. "Life is better with a little salt, lime, and tequila."

9. "Tequila: the only firewater that won't burn you."

10. "Tequila: it's not just a drink, it's a lifestyle."

Above is Cute tequila sayings.

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