Cute watch sayings

1. "Time flies when you're having fun."

2. "Every minute counts."

3. "Watch out for the time."

4. "Time is precious, waste it wisely."

5. "Don't watch the clock, do what it does. Keep going."

6. "Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend."

7. "Time is what we want most, but what we use worst."

8. "Time is a great healer."

9. "Time is the longest distance between two places."

10. "Time is the wisest counselor of all."

Above is Cute watch sayings.

Joker sayings smile

Smile, because it confuses people. Smile, because it's easier than explaining what is killing you inside.

Chic boy sayings

1. Dress like you're already famous.2. Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.3. Fashion fades, but style is eternal.4. Real men wear pink.5. A well-tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.6. Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it.7. Dress lik

Nice sayings in telugu

1. నీ జీవితంలో నిజమైన సంతోషం కనుగొని ఉండండి.2. నీ కష్టాలు నీ బలంగా ఉండాలి, కాని నీ బలం నీ కష్టాలకు వద్దండి.3. నీ ప్రయత్నం మీకు ఫలితం కావాలంటే, మీరు మీ ప్రయత్నంలో మాట్లాడకూడదు.4. నీ మనస్సు మీ శక్తిని నియంత్రించడం కావాలి, కాని మీ శక్తి మీ మనస్సుని నియంత్రించకూడదు.5. ప్రేమ ఒక భావన కాదు, అది ఒక క్రియ. అ

Business christmas sayings

1. Wishing you a season of joy, a heart full of love, and a mind filled with peace.2. May your holidays be merry and bright, and your business thrive in the new year.3. Sending warm wishes for a prosperous holiday season and a successful new year.4. May the spirit of Christmas bring you and y

Cute peace sayings

1. Peace begins with a smile. - Mother Teresa2. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. - Jill Jackson Miller3. Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of harmony. - Unknown4. In a world where you can be anything, be kind. - Unknown5. Peace is the beauty of lif

Cop quotes sayings

1. To protect and to serve.2. Not all heroes wear capes, some wear badges.3. In valor there is hope.4. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.5. The badge is a symbol of honor, integrity, and bravery.6. Justice is the constant and perpetual will to render to every man

Lack of communication sayings

1. Silence speaks louder than words.2. Communication is key, but silence is golden.3. The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply.4. A lack of communication breeds assumptions, distrust, and misunderstandings.5. In the absence of communication, as

Kitchen wall sayings decor

Decorating your kitchen walls with sayings or quotes can add a touch of personality and charm to the space. Here are some ideas for kitchen wall sayings decor:1. Bless the food before us, the family beside us, and the love between us.2. Eat, drink, and be merry.3. This kitchen is seasoned with

30th birthday sayings for daughter

1. Happy 30th birthday to my amazing daughter! You have grown into a beautiful and strong woman, and I am so proud of the person you have become.2. Thirty years ago, you came into this world and changed my life forever. I am grateful every day for the joy and love you bring into my life. Happy bi

36 sayings of mark twain

1. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.2. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.3. Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.4. The secret of getting ahead is getting started.5