Cypriot proverbs sayings

1. "Όποιος κοιμάται με τα πρόβατα, ξυπνάει με τα κουνέλια." (Who sleeps with the sheep, wakes up with the rabbits.) - This proverb means that if you associate with bad company, you will face the consequences.

2. "Η αγάπη δεν κρύβεται, όπου κι αν πας θα σε βρει." (Love cannot be hidden, wherever you go it will find you.) - This proverb emphasizes the power of love to find its way to people no matter where they are.

3. "Ο καλός γείτονας, καλός κι ο καλός γείτονας του." (A good neighbor is good to his good neighbor.) - This proverb highlights the importance of being a good neighbor and how it can lead to positive relationships.

4. "Ο καλός άνθρωπος από το πρωί φαίνεται." (A good person is evident from the morning.) - This proverb suggests that a person's true character can be seen from their actions and behavior early in the day.

5. "Το ψάρι βρωμάει από το κεφάλι." (The fish rots from the head.) - This proverb means that problems or corruption often start at the top or with those in leadership positions.

Above is Cypriot proverbs sayings.

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